โดย T-na Lertwanarin เมื่อ 26 มิถุนายน 2011 เวลา 0:59 น.

(นี่ เป็นเนื้อความของจดหมายลาออกจากภาคีมรดกโลก ฉบับภาษาอังกฤษ ที่ อ.เทพมนตรี นำเสนอให้นายสุวิทย์ คุณกิตติ ตั้งแต่วันที่ 22 มิ.ย. 2554 แต่ไม่ใช่จดหมายลาออกตัวจริงที่สุวิทย์ยื่นวันนี้ 25 มิ.ย. 2554 นะครับ)
His Majesty’s Government of the Kingdom of Thailand had made an express reservation regarding whatever rights Thailand had, or may have in the future, to recover the Temple of Preah Vihear from Cambodia since the 6th day of July 1962 A.D. and registered a protest against the unjustified decision of the International Court of Justice
awarding the Temple of Preah Vihear to Cambodia by estoppels. Such letter was issued on behalf of His Majesty’s Government and was signed by H.E. Thanat Khoman, then Minister of Foreign Affairs of Thailand and addressed to H.E. U Thant, then Acting Secretary-General of the United Nations. The intention that I, Mr.Suwit Khunkitti, as Head of the World Heritage Committee of Thailand, made reference to the said letter was to bring forward to the 35th World Heritage Committee (WHC) Meeting and expecting the total understanding on the part of WHC and UNESCO regarding the issue between the State Party of Thailand and the State Party of Cambodia, provoked by the inscription of the Temple of Preah Vihear and the Management Plan which violated Thailand sovereignty.
Since the 31st Meeting to this 35th Meeting, the State Party of Cambodia has persistently invaded and encroached Thai territory particularly all along the Cambodia-Thailand borderline. I, as a Royal Thai Government representative and on behalf of the Thai people, express grave concern on the action of the State Party of Cambodia deploying military troops as well as encouraging civilians to encroach the territory of Thailand.
The past 4 WHC resolutions have caused a tremendous rupture between the two State Parties relations that leads the conflict to the international stage and disunion amongst each allied countries. There have been several clashes resulted in many casualties and a massive unprecedented Thais evacuation. It takes away the right to work and to pursue their livings from those who live around the area that the WHC has designated as the Managed Area including residents near the Preah Vihear Temple since it has become the weaponry storage and a fierce battlefield. Rockets and artilleries were used in the exchange of fire.
The State Party of Thailand has been exceptionally patient and tolerant with numerous acts of the State Party of Cambodia. Thailand has responded to these acts in civilized manner such as submitting hundreds of official protest letters, promulgating explanation statements to the international community, namely UNESCO member countries, ASEAN, UNSC and even the International Court of Justice. The State Party of Thailand wishes to explain in detail the intent of the resignation letter from being a State Party as follows;
- The demarcation of the Thai-Cambodia boundary had already been done, according to the Convention 1904 A.D. and the Treaty 1907 A.D. leaving only the Temple area that used the watershed as borderline. Consequently, this watershed bound the Temple of Preah Vihear in Thai territory.
- The World Heritage Committee has violated Section II of the Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage on both national and international levels, Article 4 (Cultural Heritage must be situated on its territory and belongs primarily to that State) , Article 5 (World Cultural Heritage must be situated in its sovereign territory of the State Party), and Article 6 (Fully respecting the sovereignty of the States on whose territory the cultural and natural heritage mentioned in Articles 1 and 2 is situated). The WHC and the State Party of Cambodia both violated the 3 cited Articles of the Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage, through the encroachment of the territory of the State Party of Thailand and through the support of the State Party of Cambodia’s inscription of the Temple of Preah Vihear. Since the surrounding areas of the Temple belong to Thailand who had exercised her sovereign rights over the territory by designated it as National Park of Khao Phra Viharn since 2000 A.D. without any objection whatsoever from the State Party of Cambodia. Furthermore, the 32nd WHC resolution had solely inscribed the Temple, excluding the surrounding areas of the Temple which according to the Thai Administrative Court and the Thai Constitutional Court rulings remained under Thai sovereignty. The decision of the WHC clearly violates the State Party on the basis of invasion by granting the territory of the State Party of Thailand to the State Party of Cambodia in the inscription of the Temple of Preah Vihear and the Management Plan as well as adding it into the Agenda of the 35th WHC Meeting.
- The International Court of Justice (ICJ) ruling on the Temple of Preah Vihear case only granted the sovereign rights to Cambodia over the Temple, not on the surrounding areas of the Temple. Furthermore, the ICJ neither ruled on the Map, nor on the acceptance of the Map ratio 1:200000 that the State Party of Cambodia has applied as criteria in drafting the Management Plan and the Temple of Preah Vihear inscription. The State Party of Thailand has in vain trying to illuminate the WHC with explanation about the consequences of the inscription of the Temple of Preah Vihear as a World Cultural Heritage. I, as Head of the World Heritage Committee of Thailand, the Royal Thai Government representative, and on behalf of Thai people, have reckoned that the WHC decision was not justified. Therefore, I, hereby, tend my resignation from a State Party to the Convention, in accordance with Article 35 (Each State Party to this Convention may denounce the Convention.), and with reasons given earlier in order to maintain the sovereignty and the territorial integrity of the Kingdom of Thailand.
- The Kingdom of Thailand has her own Constitution under the democratic regime with His Majesty the King as the Head of State. “King” or what most Thai people refer to “the Owner of the Land”. The King is the owner of the Land with full executive, legislative, and judiciary power. The present King is a King with divine virtue; He is regarded as “the Great” honored in the international community owing to his everlasting devotion for the well-being of the people of Thailand. In 2011, His Majesty will turn 84 and it would be inappropriate that Thai territory will be segregated during his reign. Even though Thailand is a responsible State Party, we, on behalf of the Thai people, cannot accept the WHC decision.