บล็อกนี้เป็นเพียงช่องทางรวบรวมข้อมูลข่าวสารจากที่ต่างๆ ผู้จัดทำไม่ได้มีเจตนาบิดเบือนข้อมูลข่าวสารหรือต้องการให้ร้าย องกรณ์ หน่วยงานและบุคคลใดๆทั้งสิ้น+++++ หากบทความใดผิดพลาดหรือกระทบต่อ องกรณ์ หน่วยงาน หรือบุคคลใด ผู้จัดทำก็กราบขออภัยไว้ล่วงหน้า +++++ ผู้อ่านท่านใดมีข้อมูลหักล้าง ชี้แนะ หรือมีความเห็นใดๆเพิ่มเติมก็ขอความกรุณาแสดงความเห็นเพื่อให้เป็นความรู้สำหรับผู้อ่านท่านต่อๆไปได้ตามแต่จะเห็นสมควร ------------- ขอขอบคุณเจ้าของบทความทุกๆท่านมา ณ. ที่นี้ด้วยครับ *******ช.ช้าง *******

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 26 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2554

Thailand threatens to quit World Heritage group

Thailand is threatening to resign its membership of Unesco's World Heritage Convention.
It says it will resign from the body if a draft agreement on issues regarding the management plan for Preah Vihear temple, prepared by the Unesco World Heritage Centre, is forwarded for consideration to the World Heritage Committee (WHC).
The draft was suggested by centre director Kishore Rao after both Thai and Cambodian versions failed to win each other country's approval.
Suwit: ‘Authority to leave rests with me’
However, reading through the draft proposed by the centre, Natural Resources and Environment Minister Suwit Khunkitti, who is leading the Thai delegation at the WHC meeting in Paris, also found that it, like the Phnom Penh version, would put Thailand at risk of losing its territory.
Words in the draft like "restoration" and "repair" of the temple could cause problems in interpretation, he said.
Such wording may be used in the future to refer to repairs from being damaged in attacks by Thai troops.
Thailand wants the centre to remove them and use "protection" and "conservation" instead, according to talks between Mr Suwit's team and Unesco director-general Irina Bokova.
Mr Rao informed Mr Suwit that if Thailand and Cambodia could not reach a conclusion on any draft, the centre would forward its draft to the WHC meeting for consideration.
Mr Suwit was against this as it would put Thailand at risk of losing territory if the draft is approved by the WHC.
So Mr Suwit said he informed Mr Rao that if he insisted on doing so, Thailand had no choice but to withdraw from its membership of the World Heritage Convention.
He said he had told Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva about the situation, and the premier gave him the authority to make a decision.
Both Bangkok and Phnom Penh earlier submitted their own versions of the draft agreement.
However, the two countries still disagreed on many points though they have been allowed to adjust their drafts four times each in the past two days.
Thailand insists the WHC should delay considering the management plan until border demarcation work is done.
Mr Abhisit said yesterday he told Mr Suwit to carefully monitor the situation.
Authority over whether to withdraw will rest with him, Mr Suwit said. The cabinet has empowered him to decide.
Meanwhile, Thai and Cambodian troops are worried about renewed border tensions after Bangkok's protest against Phnom Penh's management plan.
The Thai stance has upset Cambodia which told its soldiers to reinforce bunkers along the overlapping border near Surin's Phanom Dong Rak district.

bangkok post

Discussion 1 : 25/06/2011 at 06:27 AM1
He said he had told Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva about the situation, and the premier gave him the authority to make a decision.

Sounds like the caretaker PM no longer wants to take care of the Preah Vihear issue.

drsmithThailandPost : 279
Discussion 2 : 25/06/2011 at 07:00 AM2
Minister Suwit Khunkitti should be the first to understand that Unesco World Heritage listing is what brings in all the tourists. Threatening to quit is just another childish Thailand ploy that is a total embarassment on the international level.If it was up to Thailand, all the national treasures would have trash all over them and be in disrepair. Keep Unesco the Minister is the one that needs to be removed. The arrogance of one person thinking he has the authority for an entire country is appalling.

  • bulaThailandPost : 320
    Discussion 3 : 25/06/2011 at 07:07 AM3
    UNESCO will follow all lawful procedures and will not surrender to threat.

  • viewerAustraliaPost : 23
    Discussion 4 : 25/06/2011 at 08:24 AM4
    Seems the WHC is in the cross road.

    On the one hand, the temple and 4.6 km2 area are technically belong to Cambodia, who should be awarded the ownership. On the other, Thailand has reputation in the international community far better than Cambodia, and the WHC along with other countries would hesitate to loose Thailand as a member.

    Thailand has been playing all its cards, but the confidence of winning supports from the international community remains unconvinced. So leaving the organisation is a last card remaining.

    WHC has no alternative, but it will hand the trophy to Cambodia.

  • Discussion 5 : 25/06/2011 at 08:45 AM5
    Ah, the limitless arrogance of Thai officialdom. I guess Sukothai, Ayutthaya, Thungyai-Huai Kha Khaeng, Ban Chiang, and Dong Phayayen-Khao Yai really aren't that important compared to some Cambodian temple in the middle of nowhere.

  • Discussion 6 : 25/06/2011 at 08:47 AM6
    Thailand will follow all lawful procedures and has the right to disagree.

    • yongCambodiaPost : 22
      Discussion 7 : 25/06/2011 at 08:50 AM7
      Oppp is it a treat to UNESCO while Thailand withdraw from WHC???
    • Discussion 8 : 25/06/2011 at 09:00 AM8
      Abhisit Vejjajiva can withdraw from UNESCO. I thought he need to get approval from the Cabinet or Parliament. Or from the Army.
  • Discussion 9 : 25/06/2011 at 09:01 AM9
    .....The Thai stance has upset Cambodia which told its soldiers to reinforce bunkers along the overlapping border near Surin's Phanom Dong Rak district.

    I would say the opposite to the above paragraph. There is no such upset thing at Cambodia side because they are confident that they will win at all forums. Cambodia is the only owner of the temple and its vicinity provided that the committee comply with its laws. Abhisit and his ministers backfire. Make Thai people lost face and credibility. The more they try, the more they will lose. Lost both the fight with Cambodia and the coming election. Wake up.
  • Discussion 10 : 25/06/2011 at 09:15 AM10
    The Thai delegation should have brought SOLTAIR D#6 with them. Sure you have rights to disagree with something that you are not happy with, but when you go to court and you are a wrongdoer you will be forced to comply with the laws. However I am not sure if it works in Thailand. Or it may work for some situation or some group, party.

papaThailandPost : 79
Discussion 11 : 25/06/2011 at 09:18 AM11
So what does Yingluck say we should do?
It is time for her to state some opinions on serious matters not just the price of eggs..

ivykingUS Minor Outlying IslandsPost : 690
Discussion 12 : 25/06/2011 at 09:19 AM12
"It says it will resign from the body if a draft agreement on issues regarding the management plan for Preah Vihear temple, prepared by the Unesco World Heritage Centre, is forwarded for consideration to the World Heritage Committee (WHC)."

Yes, that's my good boy.
Now roll over.

  • ricefieldThailandPost : 1396
    Discussion 13 : 25/06/2011 at 09:30 AM13
    In a week or so everything will change and these type statements will hopefully no longer be made.
  • Discussion 14 : 25/06/2011 at 09:38 AM14
    threatening the WHC!. it is no difference from threatening to the international communitee. Abhisit and his people bring shame to thailand.
    • Discussion 15 : 25/06/2011 at 09:55 AM15
      Hi,you didn't have to go all the way to Paris to make this statement !
      • Discussion 16 : 25/06/2011 at 09:58 AM16
        thailand issued an ultimatum to UNESCO threatening to quit its membership. that is hilarious. I got have my way otherwise I will quit. how sad...nice try Mr.

      fatherThailandPost : 39
      Discussion 17 : 25/06/2011 at 10:27 AM17
      Dear Mr. AV and Suwit,

      You told Thai people that you were successful in lobbying the WHC to exclude the Preah Vihear Management Plan from the WHC Meeting Agenda? you always claim that everything is favored for Thailand... and what happen now? You could not hide the truth at last... hahaha

      • DocNPost : 7
        Discussion 18 : 25/06/2011 at 10:27 AM18
        Just one question: who, the hell, do you think you are?
        This is like quitting FIFA, because it will not make Thailand Asian Cup Winners!

      Discussion 19 : 25/06/2011 at 11:00 AM19
      It sound like a childish. If you don't give me a candy I will not play with you. Thai used to be a civilized country, why this government under a leadership of AV damage the image of Thailand?
      • Discussion 20 : 25/06/2011 at 11:01 AM20
        RF #13 "In a week or so everything will change and these type statements will hopefully no longer be made."
        Dream on, forgot "the UN is not my father"? of course you forgot, too much kao niew:-)

      tombThailandPost : 92
      Discussion 21 : 25/06/2011 at 11:04 AM21
      So long, Thailand!

      You could as well pull out of FIFA (can't qualify), ASEAN (nobody sides with Thailand anymore), UN (No Thai was elected chairman) etc...

      • Discussion 23 : 25/06/2011 at 11:19 AM23
        Who cares. Thailand you are a miscellaneous category among the worlds population. Lets hope the next government of PT will learn that Thailand is not the centre of the universe. Hopeful thinking. It will just be more of the same with a different colored backdrop.
      • Discussion 24 : 25/06/2011 at 11:31 AM24
        This is a typical example of Thainess if I don’t get my way I will scream and throw my toys out of the pram they should be thrown out of the Unesco World Heritage Convention if they are unable to accept the rules and behave in this manner.

      fatherThailandPost : 39
      Discussion 25 : 25/06/2011 at 11:38 AM25
      But why are you trying to be in power once people do not vote in your favor? and why do you not dare to resign even from the party chairmanship once your party could not reach the previous seats?
      • Discussion 26 : 25/06/2011 at 11:39 AM26
        New Government: Meet in a spirit of cooperation with Cambodia, agree to a plan and get UNESCO World Heritage Site International visitors to enter from BOTH countries. This "ownership" boundary issue is childish (but VERY dangerous) and counter-productive to peace, security & making some (honest) money! As always, the poor people, soldiers & families of the dead suffer the most.

        It's all stemming from Thai military attitude (& Dem's must go along). It is an arrogant attitude after so many coups.

        NO MORE COUPS! No more International isolation for Thailand.

      • Discussion 27 : 25/06/2011 at 11:42 AM27
        AV has the Midas touch in reverse at the present time, he has this uncanny knack of getting everything wrong, and time is running out!
      • Discussion 28 : 25/06/2011 at 12:09 PM28
        World Heritage Group will not be able to work without Thailand?? What is the consequence if Thailand quit? Always bully others. Pathetic.

      • abbubThailandPost : 652
        Discussion 29 : 25/06/2011 at 12:57 PM29
        SOLTAIR #6: "Thailand will follow all lawful procedures and has the right to disagree."

        Yes of course. I disagree with some laws and other rules and regulations. But that does not mean I can ignore them. We all have to abide by some sort of civilizing standards if we want to be a part of the world community and not be seen as renegades.

        Thailand also signs up to other international agreement, like the freedom of speech. It does not though allow it.

        "The Thai Way" has some things going for it, or I would not be here. I actually agree some things from the so-called developed world are better left outside. But Thailand needs to try to figure out ways of understanding exactly what is "good" or not about the outside world. And when it decides to join a club, it has to follow the rules.

        After the elections the military must be stopped. Fast. Forever. Or the country cannot move forward in a meaningful way. To heal the wounds you have to first remove the thorn in the side that keeps festering.

        • sanghaUnited StatesPost : 54
          Discussion 30 : 25/06/2011 at 01:36 PM30
          The Thai Government dares to resign from the Body of World Heritage without approval from the Thai Parliament?
        • Discussion 31 : 25/06/2011 at 02:04 PM31
          Their bluff should be called. They will not leave - no way. As each day goes by they look more incompetent.

          • Discussion 32 : 25/06/2011 at 02:51 PM32
            It will be good that Thailand will resign from the UNESCO's membership because It has been lost face several time in the international forum and if Thailand still be the membership no benefit to UNESCO.                                                                                

            • Discussion 33 : 25/06/2011 at 03:13 PM33
              Thailand has got to stop looking at itself through rose coloured glases, it is not Utopia or Paradise as Thia's think it is. A great marketing job has been done on Thai's, its a pity they could not do other things so well. A friend on a recent visit to the USA, was appalled at what he read about Thailand, he did not believe this was his country they are talking about, it took days to prove that the Thailand he thought he knew as his own country was in fact very different.

            • drakeAntarcticaPost : 257
              Discussion 34 : 25/06/2011 at 03:42 PM34
              Considering the fact that Thailand was coerced in to accepting the original verdict as a condition for admission in to the UN and righ now that organization is nothing more than a hideous snake pit full of corrupted autocrats this may actually be a good move.
            Discussion 35 : 25/06/2011 at 04:52 PM35
            drake #34, unfortunately Thailand and Siam had many opportunities to complain concerning the (in)accuracies op "the map" and consequent verdicts but they didn't. With today's GPS technology it is overly clear where the temple is situated and that the old maps were improperly interpreted. Is there not something like in a prison sentence case, when new evidence is brought in, the Judge can overturn the previous sentence? By the way, is that not what they will try to do with Taxhim? just a thought...

            • peaceCambodiaPost : 28
              Discussion 36 : 25/06/2011 at 05:29 PM36
              Mr. Suwit. Do you think that UNESCO will collapse or come the end when you resign your membership from UNESCO. You will be more suffering when you see that tourists stop coming to visit your country but Cambodia. The international knows you and keep in their mind that you and your current government are notorious for the best liar.
            • Discussion 37 : 25/06/2011 at 05:52 PM37
              I bet AV will not withdraw membership from UNESCO, he just threaten to UNESCO for political purpose and want Thai people to vote for him.

              • kaweekaThailandPost : 132
                Discussion 38 : 25/06/2011 at 06:15 PM38
                Let these war monger ultra-nationalists paint themselves against the corner so they can eat their own words later on, as they often do. Let them fight temples they never visit, land they never lived at, people they never represent. Lip service is all they are good at.

                Discussion 39 : 25/06/2011 at 07:33 PM39
                Very good decision by Thai government, making UNESCO and Hun Sen look like fools.

                • johninbkkUnited StatesPost : 1521
                  Discussion 40 : 25/06/2011 at 08:52 PM40
                  Thailand has five world heritage sites. They want the land around the temple (not the temple itself) to be declared as part of Thailand. By leaving Unesco, the five sites will be delisted, and the land will still be disputed by Thailand. It's like cutting off your arm to stop a finger cut from bleeding. Lets hope that YS un-quits Unesco when she becomes the next PM.

                • fmaThailandPost : 104
                  Discussion 41 : 25/06/2011 at 09:48 PM41
                  Once again I get surprised by the statements from public figures here in LoS. Another winner for Abhisit!

                • wsmaUnited StatesPost : 63
                  Discussion 42 : 25/06/2011 at 10:37 PM42
                  I believe this is only threatens but not going to happen otherwise world will skip Thai land to the cube if they dare to withdraw from UNESCO membership.
                • Discussion 43 : 26/06/2011 at 12:07 AM43
                  Although I'm a supporter of the Democrat Party, I strongly disagree with the handling of the temple issue. The temple belongs to Cambodia and it's common sense that the vicinity belongs to Cambodia as well. Don't use maps but use common sense instead !!!!
                  This area is of no use for Thailand, the only use is to bullying Cambodia, that's really childish.
                  Thailand should try to exchange the disputed area for another disputed area. Because other disputed area that is not in the vicinity of a temple could be of practical use for Thailand.
                  But I would like if YS has any own idea for solving that problem ?
                • Discussion 44 : 26/06/2011 at 12:50 AM44
                  The World Heritage Committee has no authority on the territory issue. Even if the fugitive wants to give away our land for personal gain the Thai people will never accept it.

                • somchaiThailandPost : 201
                  Discussion 45 : 26/06/2011 at 12:57 AM45
                  We are lucky having a strong leader not making deals for personal benefit like the fugitive in Montenegro did. The decision to exit makes Thailand stronger and both UNESCO and Cambodia lose faces.
                • Discussion 46 : 26/06/2011 at 04:30 AM46
                  Kaweeka d38, you have summed it up perfectly. If the power drunk parasites on both sides bloated by the blood and sweat of their respective populations feel so strongly about it, let them stand on the elusive line facing each other with light artillery and fight it out, but leave everyone else alone to get on with their lives. Cross border solidarity of the people who have lived in the area for hundreds of years as friends and families after building this temple in the first place should prevail over bloody politics carried out thousands of miles away.

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